Have you ever noticed that over time your towels become less absorbent? Or your sheets start feeling like there is a build up on the outside? Maybe even your favorite shirt/shorts having a weird smell to them? These are likely the result of your fabric softener!
Most liquid fabric softeners on the market contain many harmful chemicals that can lead to respiratory problems, skin irritation, internal inflammation and even cancer. These toxic chemicals include: - Benzyl Acetate
- Benzyl Alcohol
- Chloroform
- Ethyl Acetate
- Camphor
- Pthalates
Not only can these chemicals absorb through your skin, every time you take a whiff of that "freshness," you are inhaling the toxic chemicals hidden behind the fragrance!
So, how does Organic Chix Liquid Fabric Softener work without all the toxins? With only two ingredients, our liquid softener uses the natural softening power of vinegar with our 100% pure lavender essential oil that is known for its bacteria killing powers. Our two ingredient fabric softening crystals are another great alternative to softening, especially with hard water! Safe for use in any washer and on any colors! These natural, toxin free alternatives will leave your clothes softer, cleaner, fresh and without the nasty, harmful film build-up on your laundry! BONUS: They clean and freshen your washer with every use!! |