This week is all about STAINS! Whether you have clothing stains, carpet stains, upholstery stains or just need to clean your toilet bowl, we have a toxin free solution for you!
Going back to week 3 of our series, many stain removers contain "fragrance" which we learned is just a cover up for toxins such as phthalates. They also typically contain phosphates, parabens and even chlorine bleach.
Phosphates: pollute water supply and are very hard to break down. They are typically in cleaning products to prevent the build up of soap scum. Once in our rivers and lakes, they build up making it hard for algae to survive and deprive our fresh water systems of the necessary oxygen needed for aquatic life.
Parabens: Another hormone disruptor. They are found in many stain removers, detergents and soaps. Constant exposure to parabens can have long term effects on hormones, fertility, birth outcomes and can even lead to cancer.
Cholrine Bleach: Known for its harmful fumes, corrosive behaviors and has been linked to breast cancer. Bleach can be very dangerous, as we know, when mixed with other chemicals or even the fumes from other chemicals. It can lead to toxic lungs from continued inhalation and even has been found in breast tissue of cancer patients. Not only does it cause harm to the body, it also can "stain" colored fabrics and break down finishes on hard surfaces.
So I am sure you are thinking, "these items aren't always coming in contact with me" but what many don't know is that anything you put on your clothing, towels, sheets, upholstery, carpet etc, can absorb through your skin and into your system. This is why it is important to ensure there are no toxins in your household products. |