Discover what makes Violet Glass good for the body

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Why is Violet Glass so FANTASMAGORICAL?

Okay, in this email…we’re going a bit deeper.

Deeper into how this purple light can have a profound effect on your body!

It’s really no secret…

Quantum physics has firmly proven that everything is energy and light.

The human body, plants and all living creatures emit visible light waves.

We can see them through sensitive cameras.

Check out this Kirlian photo of a female's hand…

We Literally GLOW!

This light that peaks and troughs throughout the day, is linked to our natural biorhythms.

There’s a term for this light, it’s called β€œBiophotonics.”

Our body is alive and vibrating with light at subatomic levels originating from our DNA.

In fact…

The DNA in our cells vibrates at a high frequency and is constantly transmitting and receiving energy on subtle levels that control our general health and well-being.

Dr. Popp proved that light in your body is stored by, and emitted from, your DNA.

The vibration is created through the coil-like contraction and extension of your DNA -- which occurs several billion times per second -- and every time it contracts, it squeezes out one single biophoton; a light particle.

That photon contains ALL the information on everything going on in your DNA at any given moment.

One single biophoton can carry more than four megabytes of information!

It relays this information to other biophotons it crosses in the biophoton field outside your body.

A Biophotonic field (also known as an electromagnetic field) that is weak or damaged will emit a lower frequency indicating β€˜dis-ease' within the organism.

Simply put…

The greater the storehouse of energy in the body, the greater the power of the overall energy field resulting in optimal health.

Our Biophotonic field encompasses everything:

  • Physical
  • Emotional
  • Mental and Spiritual health and well-being.

How we treat our bodies will directly relate to our β€œforce field” or β€œenergy field”.

Makes sense huh?!

Violet light has the highest frequency of any visible light (720-770 billion Hertz).

Research conducted by Professor Hugo Niggli, a few years back, determined that…

This frequency permanently activates and energises the molecular structure AND healing energies of substances held within Dark Violet Glass!

Did you get that?

I recommend you read that one more time.

This frequency permanently activates and energises the molecular structure AND healing energies of substances held within Dark Violet Glass!

Are you aware that your biological body is made of mostly water?

Yep, 70+ percent!

And as stated in a previous email...

β€œThis frequency is also the same resonance as the human nervous system.”

If you haven’t by now – you should be asking yourself…

β€œWhat does this mean for MY health?”

It is well known that if you use UV light to destroy 99 percent of a cell, including its DNA, you can almost entirely repair the damage in a single day just by illuminating the cell with the same wavelength at a much weaker intensity.

This phenomenon is known as Photorepair.

I’ll leave you with this photo to ponder…

Water in Amber vs. Violet Glass


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Purchase your own Miron Violet Glass Bottle and discover the extraordinary health secrets of Violet Light!