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Prolong Life

Boost Immune cells, anti-inflammatory, increase good Cholesterol (HDL), decrease Blood Sugar levels, full of antioxidant which protects normal cells, benefit Heart health, fight fatique, anxiety and depression, and improve quality of life in general.

$48.00 / $60.00
Improve Heart Functions

Good for: deficiencies related to the Heart such as narrowing of Arteries (atherosclerosis), heart beat out of rhythm (arrhythmia), plaque build up in the vessels (arteriosclerosis), irritation of heart valve (endocarditis), and quivering of the heart (atrial fibrillation).

$24.00 / $30.00
Male Sexual Health

GOOD FOR: enhancing sex drive, sexual performance and desire, and help with premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and impotence.  Formula may also increase sperm count, boost stamina and libido in men.

$40.00 / $50.00
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